Monday, April 25, 2005

Lost Posting Along I 895 S

I was going to write a rather pithy story here about driving down to DC to see my friend, who also was my Best Man at my wedding. I was going to talk about a moment of realization that came to me while I was driving through the Harbor Tunnel when Survivor’s Desperate Dreams came on. A sense of melancholy had swept over me and I began forming some rather cogent metaphors for the ramshackle shed that is my life. However, as I was ruminating on the verbiage of both fact and purple prose I exited the tunnel and what was a sunny morning had now turned to a ghastly gray pallor, and I realized damn, this sucks. And I forgot my composure. So what would have surely been an awesome and awe-inspiring post is now lost somewhere along I895 S on the way to DC. If you find it email it to me……

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