Friday, May 13, 2005

Destination Unknown

I remember this guy Charles who used to have a car and would pick me and this other guy up and we would do something like see a movie or get some food. He was a bit of a nerd, and wouldn't like to just chill, we had to have a point of our meeting. So often I would make him drive, and tell him where we were going, but would often tell him just drive straight, until you cant go any further and then we are there. It worked a few times, ok so he wasn't a smart nerd, but at least we were able to do some pointless meandering.

Sometimes I just want to get in my car and drive. It doesn't matter where. I drive about 150 miles a day as it is, but it is always to and from work. Boring. I want to just get in and drive and not worry about getting to work in the morning or if the light is on, or if the milk will go bad. I want to leave this life and start a new one. People seem to do it in the movies all the time. There is something romantic about drifting from place to place and meeting new people and doing new things and not having to worry about a job you dislike, bills to pay, car notes....

I want to be Bruce Banner wandering the countryside righting wrongs...Then again I really cant afford to keep buying clothes, so maybe Jarod from the Pretender, or one of these wandering souls who remains always enigmatic and riotous until the bitter end.

When I am on a trip or a vacation I like the idea of living out of a suitcase, having my bed made for me, and coming and going as I please. And then after you have exhausted all the options, and the thrill dies, as it always does no matter what you do...then you can return home, and truly appreciate it.

The longing for home can only come from the wandering one does in his life. You cant be homesick if you have no home AND you cannot be homesick if you never leave.

I want the whole story!!! I like it, me- the greengirl
I never knew the side of you that likes to drive. It always looks to Maurice that you hate the whole experience. I'm willing to pay you if you drive me to and fro work, and it's only 20 miles a day !
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