Saturday, June 04, 2005

On Writing a Blog and Writing in General

Is there a point in blogging? I have often wondered if there was a point in keeping a Journal, or a Diary for that matter, and well, writing is cathartic in of itself. The problem I think is that some of what we write may seem, at times, too personal and we are loathe to share it. With the advent of blogging, and internet diaries, they can be shared by strangers and thus, we don't feel that they would gaze into our soul so much as share in it. Revel in it. Empathize. I discovered that it breathed live into my writing, not necessarily making it better, but making me write more often.

I am writing my memoirs now. Longer pieces of stories you see here, and some you wont. I have already written a novel, short stories, one act plays, and some screenplays. Writing in those media you invariably use elements of your self, so I figured why not write about myself.

And here is the shameless plug if any of you are reading this and are not on my mailing list, or if you are and no any agents....wink wink.....

One of my screenplays I wrote in about 72 hours, not in a row, but in 6 hour intervals. That's when I ferment the story in my brain for long periods of time, write scenes on index cards and the like. It was easier to do while I was in college because when you are in a writing class you have deadlines, or a writing job. I have neither. Instead I am stuck in the DOE as a teacher and if you don't know, not only do they stifle creativity, they try beat you down into submission. So one has little else to do but look inward.

I am limiting my memoir writing to the week, though I am thinking of what to write about, what is interesting, what is fluff, what just plain sux. There again comes the blog to my aid, and that is why I relish comments, and have gone onto blogexplosion and other means of expanding my blog readership, to share ideas and get feedback.


You do have an interested readership (of which I am but one).
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