Saturday, June 11, 2005

Ratboy Reports 2

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you haven't already read RATBOY REPORTS...A BRIEF INTRO please do so before you read on. Thank you. Enjoy.

I was sitting in the class waiting for Jack, it was almost time for the class to begin. I was talking to Madeline about some Dramaturgy class she was taking when Mark enters the room. Mark interrupts asking her how she feels about putting her head on “the chopping block.” She said that she would let her play speak for itself.

Madeline was the only female in the class for a while, and was a bit snooty, and there was strong indications that she was going out with Sweaty Boy, who was this huge hulking, hairy mass of flesh that sweated profusely, often dripping onto the scripts we were reading. He wrote a play about their relationship that was weird, sick, twisted and almost completely incomprehensible.

After the reading, Mark says something about the characters being wooden, and the story being unrealistic. The almost then immediately turns to her and apologizes for criticizing her. It appeared as though he were afraid she would smack the crap out of him.

After class Mark tell me Jack would not sign the sheet for acceptance of the tutorial.

“You think he’s trying to fuck me Doug?”
“No Mark.”
“Think I should talk to him again?”
“No Mark.”
“I’m going to talk to him,”
“Okay Mark, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

At the break Jack runs out to the mens room, I go out in the hallway to strech my letgs and to see what trouble Mark is going to get himself into. He waits outside of the bathroom for him.

Mark talks to Jack when he comes out of the bathroom Jack looks pissed. Mark complained that Jack did not want to talk about it.

Zev overhears this story. Zev was a late twenty something or early thirty something that was divorced and using his student loans to pay his child support. He made his living by playing videogames, beta testing. The job paid more in products that salary, and he used to spend what little money he had left buying comic books. I wonder why his marriage didn’t work out.

“Hey Mark,” Zev says.
“Yeah Zev.”
“Jack just signed my form right in front of me last week.”
“You see, he is trying to fuck me.”

All the ride home he kept rambling on and on that Jack was trying to fuck him over and he said that he will go to Kramer (the director of grad studies for the English department) and talk to him about it. I recommended that he did not go to Jack’s superior, and just relax a bit. He then became paranoid that that Jack wasn’t going to let him graduate.

“Damn I really wish Dom was here.”
“He was a good bullshiter, he’d be able to tell me how to worm my way around things with Jack”

Times like that was when I knew the Ratboy moniker was an apt one.

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