Saturday, June 04, 2005

Ratboy Reports...a brief Intro

The following segments are from a limited edition report on RATBOY as mentioned in my Internet Relationship blog. He is truly a character, and my friend, who can be known now as Mr. ABD, left for grad school and wanted to know about the adventures of Ratboy while I still had class with him. What follows has been compiled from 12 reports I had sent to Mr. ABD over the first semester that he had left NY, my last semester in the program. I have edited and expanded some to give you details on the parenthetical characters so you can get a greater and richer sense of them.

Also during the first year and a half of this program there was only a lone female, named Madeline, whom you briefly met in Condum Conundrum. The term in which these reports took place, there was a new female in the class. I never refered to her by name in the original reports, she is only known as the hot Cuban babe.

Another addition to the class was the first black guy in the year and a half I was there. The class was limited to ten, and the selection process was based soley on the manuscripts you handed in. Anyway this guy's name was Tatak (pronounced Ta-TAK) and he was into martial arts. I bring him up because Mark, being the poster boy for non threating latino warmed up to him and wanted to know how to be down. Tatak was also in to martial arts. Mark was gawky and uncoordianated and wanted to learn some moves and introduced himself to TaTak by showing him some lame ass gesture from Enter the Dragon.

Anyway I am getting away from myself, all of these stories and more will follow.


Be careful The real ratboy might come after you for using his name in vain.

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