Friday, June 17, 2005

Reflections on Meeting Someone

I have often wondered about happiness and being in love. I just watched Hitch, and wished I could have hired someone like that. When we meet someone, we never truly meet them, we meet their representative. We meet a person that is on their best behavior, and a person that seems to be many of the things we are looking for. However, as time goes on, the facade cracks and the real person shows through. Shortly after that, animosity grows and doubt festers. Why is he/she changing. They are not changing so much as they are revealing the truth beneath the facade.

Their true personality can be good, can be something we are attracted to, but once you fall for the person you think you are getting, you are left with a bad taste in your mouth and the relationship sours. We want the opposite sex to like us (or the same sex, it goes both ways) so let them meet the real person, not the representative.

very profound, and so true. But despite that all, people still get married, for better or for worse (usually worse)
very profound, and so true. But despite that all, people still get married, for better or for worse (usually worse)
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