Monday, July 18, 2005

Lack Of Writing

I find it odd that since I have been off from work--I am off the entire summer actually--I have posted less and less here on my blog. Not that it is going noticed mind you, after all some of you on Blog explosion actually do read my missives, and of this I am thankful, but I know others just wait the obligatory 30 seconds and go onto the next page. That is all right too. I am ashamed of myself for not writing daily. For myself, and for those loyal readers, but mostly myself.

I have had blocks, I have been working on memoirs, not that they would be published, but I am also trying to find an agent for my first novel. While that shouldn't stop me from working on a new one, it has. I am lazy and have been catching up on my reading. Research and querying of agents has been minimal at best. Hey does anyone know why the www.WGAE.ORG has suspended the printing of their agents listings?

(Big sigh) oh well, the least I can do is write daily. I have gone on a rant, and listed several items today, though I posted different dates, so it looks like I have been keeping up appearances. Don't let me deceive you.

I shall return, with best intentions, daily.


No need to apologize - everything you write is absolutely compelling. it could be that many of your fans are also using the summer vacation to chill out, and maybe they are not online as much as usual. Maurice has no life, so he continues to live vicariously through your experiences
FYI, info on literary agents:


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