Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I hate those incessant commercials that have the parents dancing and singing in mirthful gaiety about the "most wonderful time of the year", being back to school, or that rip off Target commercial that has Sir Mix A Lot no longer singing about the glory of feminine pulchritude but now hawking school supplies, I hate BACK TO SCHOOL.

The night before school, I lay awake, in a cold sweat for nearly the entire night, barely catching a few fleeting g moments of shut eye before the alarms mockingly laughs at 5:30 am and tells me to get my fat ass out of bed and go to work.

I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!, I think, feeling like a child who has to start a new school, and it is a similar feeling. New classes, new kids, or worse, some of the more mean ones from last year, or the year before, perhaps they have changed? No such luck. The kids you hope to have, no longer in your class. New teachers, old colleagues gone, it is a truly hectic time.

My mind races, what do I do, what can I do, how can I cope????? I reach for a calendar and breath a sigh of relief, we have a few days off in October, damn something to look forward too.
I regain my composure, and put my name up on the board, and hope that this year doesn't suck.

Peace and welcome back to school

Maurice couldn't find a better delineation of what it is like for a teacher the night before "back to school". Heck, it's traumatic the first day back, even before we see the kids - those incessant hours of brutal "professional development" which is sleep inducing and anything but professional.
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