Monday, January 28, 2008

Brevity is the Soul of Insantiy.

Brevity is the soul of wit. This is something I have believed for a long time. In my summations when responding to something, in writing papers in college. I am always succinct. However, how brief can you be? While trying to take a proactive stance with my writing I was investigating some contest sites. Nothing too extreme, just a contest or two to get my feet wet. Along with a fee, which is nominal, these contests have word count restrictions. I thought the 3000 word count was bad, but then I came across one that was a mere 1500 words. Now if I was charged with creating a memoir or piece of writing to adhere to that I may or may not be able to pull it off. If it were a paper for college I would definitely be able to pull of the meg ear word count.

This is not the case with my writing. Short stories, fine, memoirs, well not so fine. One of my pieces is an elegant 20,000 words; a personal novella. That is, I will admit long, but not in the contest of a body of work. My shortest piece is roughly 3500 words, which would mean some stream lining for one of the contests. The 1500 word contest, well I would have to cannibalize vignettes from my longer pieces for that. Oh well, time to get started......

Greengirl has no comment. How's that for brevity?!.
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