Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Healthcare and the Honorable Dr. Quack Quack

My baby, Rafaela, has long suffered from back pain. Years ago, she was diagnosed with DDD (not a twist on Dungeons and Dragons, but rather) degenerative Disk Disease. I know you may say hey, isn't that what my computer gets? But no, it isn't. If you think it is, well you need some help that I am not capable of giving, so stop reading and go get some help. Still with me? Good. Well she has not been insured for some time and has gone to the clinic. They are all so great insofar as they all nod like bobbleheads, pat you on your head, and send you on your way. With no medicine, no treatment and, well no anything. One Dr. Even had to look up the spelling for LUPUS, so I tell you what is the fate of the country when the people who are supposed to help us get better cannot even spell a simple ailment. I am not even going to go into the PA who did not know how to turn on the damn light in the exam room either.

Anyway. To make a long story short. Now with insurance she had seen a DR. complaining of the severe back pain, and mentioned the previous diagnosis, seeking some help. "Have you tried alleve or advil?" He asked. OH MY GOD! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT? Yes you quack quack bastid. I have, so he prescribed something a little stronger and then recommended PT. And of course at PT they twist her like a pretzel making the pain worsen. After the MRI she gets at her urging for a script to get one, it comes back with a report and a CD, we look at the cd. Not knowing much you can see the disk degeneration. It can be noticed because all the disks have black spaces with a sort of light coloration in between except for two places that are all black denoting other problems.

The report listed several problems, all worse than the others. The Dr who did not listen and thought she was either a hypocondriac a drug seeker called the house to inform my baby that she needs to come in immediately to discuss some abnormalities on the MRI. DO YOU THINK??????

In any rate we go back there tomorrow. It should be enlightening.

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